Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Spanish Civil War (promt# 2)

"Pablo Picasso's Guernica is a work of art and not propaganda." Propaganda is when information is deliberately spread with rumors or other ways that information is spread, usually to make someone believe something. Pablo Picasso's peice, Guernica is a peice of art not propaganda. To me art is a way of expressing yourself and the way you feel at that time. Therefore Pablo Picasso's Guernica is a peice of art, not propaganda.

In Guernica there are many violent images. There are many people who are dead and looked like they have been murderd. Also in the painting there is a burning building, coming out of the building there are people who look like they are screaming. There is also a dead horse in this painting. I think that this means that he was feeling scared about the war.

The town of Guernica was bombed. I think that this picture is about that. The picture shows the burning government building. This painting also shows the people who died.

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